Friday, February 17, 2006

It is sooo cold here....The wind chill is about -40 degrees right now! Yeah too cold to be outside so I figured that I would stay in the house and stay warm! :)
Just thought that I would say I hope that you all have a great weekend! Not to sure how mine will be I figure that can not be a good sign can it...I am supposed to go to a birthday party tomorrow night, BUT that is complicated and boring but I am not going to it now. I am thinking that her mother will kill me but it is just the logics behind why I am not going. I know why as does the birthday girl and her friend that had a fit at me the other night do, but not her mother and she is wanting all of us to come. And then those of us who are over 21 were supposed to go out afterwards so I think that I am going to tell them that I do not want to go out. I guess that we will see!
OH those darn migraines have been getting the better of me again! It has been like 6 months sicne my last one, and all of the sudden I am getting them AGAIN! That's not kule :(
Ok so it was a long day at work yesterday and I am going to go nap now. Then I need to get my car into the mechanics to get a tire fixed. Since it is so cold here it is going low all the time and I am not happy!
See you in a few days!
