Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Right now...

Well, look who has returned! I know that it has been over a month...and let's see what has been going on?

Work has been ongoing and ever-lasting some days. Basketball and Hockey are both over with!!!!! Sister is playing Junior Olympic Volleyball now...Tournaments are usually on Sundays though so that leaves me out in the dark for going to the next 2 or so...O-Darn that is!

Ok and my birthday is coming up soon!!! April 20th I am going out with some friends of mine to celebrate because the 21st I am going to Minneapolis and on the 22nd (That's my B-Day) I am going with my sister to a Volleyball Tournament in Morris, MN that day. I went to college down there so it will be kind of a nice visit I am thinking (and hoping that is).

So, other than that...I will return...

Any interesting stories about St. Patrick's Day??? Mine was all right...

