Saturday, March 11, 2006

Hello...I have been tagged by Marc of Voyeur Nation...and I would link him here, but I have still have not figured that one out yet...But Marc when you read this I will be in Wednesday night to chat with you better be ready!!!!!!
So, I start talking about 6 strange things about myself...

1. That I will NEVER drive down a gravel road...Last year I was travelling along this gravel road (yeah mind ya speeding also but hey that's a different story some other time also!) and I was about to turn to look at something and all of the sudden I see this patch of loose gravel in front of me and guess what...I hit the ditch...well, if that's not enough the following winter I was travelling down another gravel road and I saw a patch of snow coming up, but figured "hey whatever" and continued down the road, and there was pure ice under that snow, and I hit the ditch again! Ok, so that makes 2 times in less than 3 months, so now I have this horrible phobia of ever driving down a gravel road, because I always think that I am going to go into the ditch. Oh yeah the last time that I went into the ditch when it was winter, I was in snow that was so deep that I had to jump from the passenger window to get out of the car...Too bad that I decided to go HEAD FIRST! Yup to land in a snowbank head first, and then find out that eventually when you get the car out of the snowbank (8 people it took plus one big tow truck) that it was the gravel I swore that I would never be on gravel again in my life...And that even goes for when I have to get my sister's best friend...I have not gone out there since both of those occurred! Not planning on it either...

2. I am deathly afraid of escalators...The first time that I was ever on one was when I was in Dallas...and we went to the mall and I thought that it would be fun to ride on it...well, little did I know that you are supposed to step off of it at the end, and I tripped over it...fell into some old guys arms...and I have to say that now I know that you step off of them at the end...But whenever I am on one...I hold on for dear life and refuse to talk to anyone until that horrible ride is over with...I guess that I should never visit anywhere that has a lot of escalators...I will take elevators over escalators, but since I have Meniere's elevators make me feel like I am forever riding one, even after I get off, something to do with the balance sense...and the fact that mine is forever on a crazy cycle...

3. I have never grasped the concept of riding a bike...When I was 5 I knew how to ride a bike...and then one day I was riding around my new neighborhood to see if there were any other kids, and I turned the corner too sharp and fell onto a fence that was the old netal style fence...and there was my first broken then I learned again how to ride a bike in the 3rd grade and once again I had an accident on it...this time a friend of mine was on the front of my bike and I was pedaling it...and she jumped off of it, and I tipped over on it...and broke my now I only think about that when I am riding my bike...and I start to freak out and think that I am going to break another bone...and since I know that's not what I need in my life right now...I get all shaky until I get off of the bike....and I walk the bike to my destination...Yeah not cool...since I could just walk there in the first place instead of walking the bike...

4. I have a horrible fear of fair rides...a few years ago I was on this one ride...I think that it was The Spider...and we were having a great time...and then lo and behold I had to vomit and I threw up all over the poor guy that was workign the ride at the now whenever I see any rides in motion...I get so sick and feel that I am going to throw up all over someone again...therefore when I go to Valleyfair every summer I am there for the attractions and not the rides.

5. I am afraid of heights...but only at a certain see I can fly great...I was on top pf the empire state building...on the top of the staute of liberty...but I can not climb a ladder or be on a roof...for my fear of heights...maybe it is more of falling off...and breaking a bone that I could fear...I don't know

6. Ok so here is the last one...I tend to be shy until I get to know someone...and then watch out because I am very outgoing and can tend to be brutally honest with will know if I don't like something that you have said or did...because I am brutally honest with people that I know...just ask anyone that I work with...if you do something that I know you aren't supposed to be doing you are going to be told...

So, what do you think?

But on that I am going to leave it here right now...
Oh yeah they didn't come in last place! Although during the game yesterday I thought that the referee had swallowed his whistle...just some of the things that happened...So, I asked him that...and want to know he DIDN'T kick me out of the game, because I think that he knew that was coming...and then when he finally blew it...I made the smart ass comment..."Oh look he choked it back up" but by then there was only about 30 seconds left in the game so he couldn't do anything to me!
Until next time~~

