Saturday, March 11, 2006

It is 10:30 A.M. here and this weekend has been great! Well, for me that is...Not for them...I am going to drink some more tonight and then sleep for about another 5 hours before they play again tomorrow morning... We will see...Lotz and lotz of snow here already!!!!!!!!!!! *Happy face* But now I want the warmth that has been promised!
But enough about that...I am going to go and make use of that hot tub that they have here...I think that most of the parents are making use of it (even tho I am not a parent I still am)...but then again I also am going to hit the mall today. Today is my sisters' best friends' birthday. Finally 14! She can get her drivers permit now also. Even though my sister has had hers for about 2 months already. They are taking behind the wheel together this summer.

But I am tagged and I am working on that. I know of like 2 that are givens already! I have many more than that, but the 2 that I know are super weird ones that you would never think of...well, ok, maybe you to you later peeps!



P.S. I love taking pictures!!!!!!! If you ever see me with a camera run the other direction! LOL