Saturday, April 15, 2006


I like to read "Dear Abby" and many of you may know that...well in todays' column she had a column on Melanoma...and since Summer is just around the corner I thought that I would mention that it can happen to anyone anytime...regardless to your age, ethnic background and any other excuse that you may have to not wear sunscreen when outside this summer...and I admit that I am one of those people that make excuses to not wear any protection when outside...but no longer...even if I know that I will be getting wet at the pool or lakes I still have to wear it...and I burn incredibly easy also so I guess that is a strike against me already right?
Well, here is an excerpt from her column today...

DEAR ABBY: I recently had to tell another patient, this time a husband and father, that the irregular-shaped mole on his shoulder was melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer. Unfortunately, dermatologists see cases like this every day.
Despite outward appearances of being healthy, this man was a prime candidate for skin cancer. Unlike many of my patients, he had spent the better part of his youth swimming and playing baseball in the sun with his skin unprotected.
Regardless of age or skin type, everyone is at risk for developing skin cancer. Last year alone, there were 105,750 new cases of melanoma diagnosed in the United States. To avoid becoming part of that statistic, your readers need to be "sun smart" when they have fun in the sun. They need to do such things as generously apply sunscreen, wear protective clothing, seek shade, get vitamin D safely -- through a healthy diet or dietary supplement

In any event please take precautions and do what is necessary to prevent yourself from being a statistic! Well, morning is coming and Church is coming also...I don't attend regularily but since it is Easter tomorrow I may actually get up and attend with my mother and Grandmother and then take them out for Easter Lunch...Stepdad and Sister are going to his brothers' place so it is just the 3 of us! Yikes!

Take care and until next time!



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