Wednesday, May 10, 2006


First things first...Thank you Marc for the for the is nice to know that I have the support when I need it! Thank you to you all who are reading it and thinking about it and thinking of the family and those that were affected by the loss...and now on to my story of a stupid person for the day...(and it can be funny in some ways!)

If only I could get into some people's heads' some days I tell you...Well, yesterday at work we were talking about the fact that it had been a long week for me and I think that I wanted to go out but since I
A: Do not drink and drive
B: Ride with anyone who has been drinking

So, we figured that there was one person that volunteered to not drink and he would be our driver SO we all meet up...and all 4 of us are into about our 2nd drink and then we find out that the guy (our driver) is into about his 5th (yeah you read that right!) drink! OK, so now we are all scrambling to find rides...I tell you that's not the easiest thing to do at 1 A.M. in our town either...So, what does Joy do...She calls her friend who happens to be a sheriff deputy on the Minnesota side...and he happens to be off duty (thankfully) he gives me a ride home...YEAH!!!

Today was a long day though...I feel like I have a hangover if that is possible off of only 2 drinks...Maybe it is just because I am still angry over the whole having no ride home and having to bother my clue...or being scared that I would be chewed out by him...but you know what he called me tonight and he didn't chew me out or anything...he told me that I did the right thing by calling him! And that he was proud that I choose to call him instead of riding home with someone that had been drinking...well, he knows my reasons behind every choice that I make...but it was so sweet of him to say that...

Well, enough babbling by me for now...I am SO tired and I am off to bed now...Long night last night and I think that is catching up with me...I am surprised that I can still type even though it is still very slow (and I mean that VERY literal)...Talk to you later!