Monday, October 30, 2006

WOO HOO...Happy Halloween!!!

Orange...Black...Gold...Purple...So many colors to choose from...hehe
Well, anyhow...that was totally off the point :)

The BIG news of our town...Purple is off to Semis...Football made playoffs...last weekend they hosted and, of course, won! Now off to Minot to play and if they win they are off to state...Either against Bismarck or Fargo South! (South is the only team that they lost to this year also)
So, this weekend is a huge game for them. Our coach was out doing somersaults last Friday after the game since he was SO happy!

On a sad note...Wildcats season is *finally* over with now...They lost the final game on Saturday. Bad game there...but the Iowa team did the win and let the 'Cats keep their dignity...A 99 year rush with less than a minute left to play and they stopped 3 inches short of the goal. After the game I talked to the Iowa coach and he said that they didn't need it so he didn't want to pour salt in the wound. He also hopes that maybe some day if were the other situation that someone else would do that for him...I would hope so...

UND update...Sioux won again! They had lost the one against UNO...but having a bye week helped and now they are on the streak again! Looking for ANOTHER national title I tell you! GO SIOUX!!!!

And in another situation...Happy Halloween...What are you going to be??? I am thinking that I am a devil! *Giggles* Perfect costume for me! We had the annual Zoo Boo tonight...Thankfully I didn't go! The wind was horrible here...and they are predicting SNOW for tomorrow...But we will have to see about that. I attended a Halloween/Birthday party last weekend...and we had a grand time! Take the time to see all the friends that I have not seen in a while was a blast. My friends' actual birthday is Halloween but he is already home in Bismarck now...Came home to see his parents and we had a "surprise" party for him.

Ok, so on that note...What else??? Not much now...Power outage this afternoon let me leave work a bit early. That was interesting. Just sat in the dark for about 10 minutes and then we packed it up for the day. But I got home to find out that there was power here...So, find out that it was the Transformer for that part of town that blew. It is now fixed. But if the weather tonight is any indication I think that I had better be up early to *Shovel* Any volunteers to help? hehehehe

Take care and have a Great Halloween! Be back soon!


~A Girl in North Dakota~

P.S. I am not addicted to football or anything am I? *chuckles* And until I met a friend of mine I (well not hated) but didn't really know anything about it...and since I met John it comes natural now...when you have someone to decipher it all for me...I know that it sounds odd but it is the truth...and soon you will have to listen to me talk about Hockey


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