In the news...
On MSN News:
In Covington, Georgia a man hit two woman and their three small children and then proceeded to back up over them again...the whole time he was doing this he was smiling!
I found this to be horrible and an incredible act of violence on children and I wonder what was going through this guys' head as he was backing up over the people and those three small children. One child, whom was 2, died Wednesday afternoon at the hospital while the other two children, ages 3 and 4, are hospitalized in serious condition.
This man is currently being held in jail pending a psychological and mental evaluation to determine if he is physically able to fully comprehend the extent of his charges and what he has done and all the lives that he has destroyed.
And now did you hear about the mom that "god told her to throw her sons into the San Francisco Bay" Yeah I saw this one on my homepage (netscape) and now I feel the need to comment and write about this one so here I go...
What kind of mother does that to her children no matter what god tells her? Look at the Andrea Yates case in Texas a few years back...She at first said it was because god told her to drown the "bad" spirits out of children. The next story was that she was abused by her husband so badly that she was just "trying to save her the lives of her children". The last (and final as far as I know), according to her lawyer, is that she drowned her children because she was on anti-depressant medication since the birth of her youngest child. Well, in my opinion, I personally find that one to be a load of crap. But then again I have never been on anti-depressants but I think that they are supposed to help you so that you aren't doing things like that right? Ok, back to the original story about the woman in San Francisco, when the police found her pushing an empty stroller they asked her if her children were all right and she told them yes. They then began to question her as to their whereabouts and realized what had happened so they took her into custoody. Since this all happened they have only recovered one of the childrens' bodies, a 2 year boy, and the others have yet to be found. She is being charged with three counts of murder.
One more to go and then I am done I promise!
Police discover the shallow grave of Marsha Spicer. She was brutally raped and beaten in the final moments of her life. The irony to this story is that the final moments of her life were all videotaped and the couple that videotaped it have diasappeared. (also from netscape)
Have a good night everyone...Happy Wednesday!!!!!
Love ya!
Promise this is it...but this is one from my area here...
Found in the internet on the Grand Forks Herald online:
Another member of the North Dakota National Guard has lost another member. A Fargo native was killed on May 23rd north of Baghdad. He was stationed with the 164th out of Minot. He was the 12 th member from North Dakota to lose their life in Iraq.
Also, Minnesota has had 37 deaths as of this printing also...
Now this time it is official I am done!
Good night~